
1_MG_3401Hello all,

We are back with some changes what do you think?! I seriously wanna know your opinion so leave me a message.

As for the outfit… I just love to wear black cloths! Yes even in summer J

Here some tips from Bloggers why and how to wear All Black outfits:

Black: it can be distinguished, classy, mysterious, and even rebellious — it all depends on how you wear it. Black is semi-unique among colors in that it goes well with almost everything, so you have tons of options when you’re putting together an outfit that uses black. While there’s no „right“ way to wear black, there are many, many ways to make a great black outfit, so start experimenting with these style tips today!

  • Try to avoid a 100%-black outfit when you’re wearing casual clothing. One-color outfits can make your features blend together, giving you a „formless“ look. For instance, a black t-shirt looks great with blue or grey jeans, but if you’re wearing it with black jeans, you might use a different-colored belt to break up the monotony.
  • Quirky and antique-style accessories go great with these types of outfits.
  • Believe it or not, there’s some scientific truth to the old saying „black is slimming.“ Black outfits absorb light, rather than reflect it, so they tend to make it hard to see the wrinkles, lines, and shadows that ordinarily form on a person’s clothes.
  • Use black-accented accessories for a distinguished, versatile look.
  • Use patterned black prints like polka dots, floral designs, plaid, pinstripes,… for visual variety.
  • Use folds, seams, creases, ruffles or materials with different visual qualities to make your outfit look more interesting

Have a great week experimenting on black outfits 😉 and thanks for stopping by !




